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PhD Thesis

  • [Funded PhD] Quantitative analysis of software security against adaptive attacks

    This PhD proposal is funded by the French PEPR Secureval, aiming to develop techniques and tools for software vulnerabilities detection and analysis, to be used within certification processes. It will be co-hosted between the Binsec team of CEA List (Paris Saclay) and Verimag (Grenoble).

    The purpose of this PhD is to enhance existing software vulnerability analysis techniques in order to address complex attack scenarios relying on adaptive strategies allowing to chain several vulnerabilities in order to bypass protections and/or to increase the attacker capabilities and knowledge. A prototype tool is expected to be developed in the BinSec framework, together with a set of relevant benchmarks to evaluate the benefits of the proposed approach in concrete security benchmarks.

    A more detailed description of the subject is provided in the attached document.

    Applications can be sent to the supervisors.

  • [Funded PhD] Annotations de sécurité pour compilateur optimisant formellement vérifié

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