People working at Verimag Lab.
Vincent Blanc | 0457422218 | CNRS |
Patrick Fulconis | 0457422217 | UGA |
Myriam Laurens | 0457422242 | UGA |
Boucif Mokhtari | 0457422226 | UGA |
Sylvie Renzetti | 0457422208 | UGA |
Valérie Roux-Marchand | 0457422243 | CNRS |
Karine Altisen | 0457422223 | Grenoble INP |
Nicolas Basset | 0457422215 | UGA |
Saddek Bensalem | 0457422204 | UGA |
Sylvain Boulme | 0457422206 | Grenoble INP |
Pierre Corbineau | 0457422211 | Grenoble INP |
Alexandre Donze | UGA | |
Cristian Ene | 0457422214 | UGA |
Bruno Ferres | 0457422234 | UGA |
Akram Idani | 04 57 42 22 05 | Grenoble INP |
Yassine Lakhnech | 0457422224 | UGA |
Claire Maiza | 0457422228 | Grenoble INP |
Florence Maraninchi | 0457422230 | Grenoble INP |
Jean-François Monin | 0457422231 | UGA |
Laurent Mounier | 0457422233 | UGA |
Michaël Perin | 0457422237 | UGA Polytech |
Marie-Laure Potet | 0457422238 | Grenoble INP |
Mathias Ramparison | 0457422220 | Grenoble INP |
Lionel Rieg | 0457422209 | Grenoble INP |
Christophe Rippert | 0457422241 | Grenoble INP |
Jean-Louis Roch | 0457422241 | Grenoble INP |
Catherine Vigouroux | 0457422236 | UGA |
Benjamin Wack | 0457422245 | UGA |
Thao Dang | 0457422212 | CNRS |
Susanne Graf | 0457422219 | CNRS |
Radu Iosif | 0457422221 | CNRS |
David Monniaux | 0457422232 | CNRS |
Pascal Raymond | 0457422240 | CNRS |
Joseph Sifakis | 0457422244 | CNRS |
Dorel Marius Bozga | 0457422207 | CNRS |
Jacques Combaz | 0457422210 | CNRS |
Erwan Jahier | 0457422223 | CNRS |
Olivier Lebeltel | 0457422225 | CNRS |
Nicolas Chappe | CNRS | |
Salim Chehida | Floralis UGA | |
Sébastien Furic | CNRS | |
Etienne Parent | UGA | |
Hugo Pham | Grenoble INP | |
Changshun Wu | UGA |
Karine Bannelier-Christakis | UGA | |
Lucas Bueri | UGA | |
Stéphane Devismes | 0457422213 | UGA |
Jacques Fournier | CEA LETI | |
Paolo Maistri | cnrs | |
Annouchka Mathieu | UGA | |
Anne Rasse | 0457422239 | UGA |
Past members are not listed here by default now. If you want to appear here, mail us ; indicate a valid and long-lasting url and/or mail if you want them/it to appear.